Merck, the drug maker of the new cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil will stop pushing for mandatory vaccination of young girls. Mandatory vaccination programs have been widely criticized, particularly in Texas where such a plan was instituted.
Instead, the drugmaking giant will continue education on the drugs benefits but stop short of pushing it to be mandatory. Here is a blurb from the CNN on the drugs affects:
Technorati Tags: medical, health, wellness, cancer, cervical+cancer, gardosil, merck, drugs, government, media, news, lobbying, pharmaceuticals
Instead, the drugmaking giant will continue education on the drugs benefits but stop short of pushing it to be mandatory. Here is a blurb from the CNN on the drugs affects:
"The company reaffirmed it continues to expect combined revenue this
year of $2.8 billion to $3.2 billion from its array of vaccines,
including ones to prevent shingles and infections with rotavirus."
Technorati Tags: medical, health, wellness, cancer, cervical+cancer, gardosil, merck, drugs, government, media, news, lobbying, pharmaceuticals